The heartwarming tale of a loyal dog’s friendship and love that helps a courageous young girl overcome a difficult hospital experience.

A young girl was able to take her first steps in nine years with the help of her Great Dane.

Morquio Syndrome, an uncommon genetic disorder that hinders one’s growth and limits mental capacity, was identified in Bella Burton, an 11-year-old resident of Worcester, Massachusetts. It was difficult for her to walk even after over ten surgeries and numerous physical therapy sessions without the aid of crutches or a wheelchair.a


Though he weighs three times as much, George, a service dog trained at the Ipswich, Massachusetts, Serϋice Dog Project, is the same height as Bella.

More than 100 Great Danes have been given as service animals by SDP to individuals who struggle with stability and mobility. The dogs have provided a loyal service while also improving the quality of life for their owners.


Individuals with Friedreich’s ataxia, multiple sclerosis, children, veterans of the armed forces, and other conditions have all been assigned service dogs. Every dog receives extensive training in balance, but after it is matched with a candidate, it is specially trained to suit their requirements.

For Bella, since their first meeting a year ago, George has improved her mood and spirits more than any other therapy.


Marquio Syndrome is a rare genetic condition that only affects 3000 people worldwide.

the rare genetic disorder that results in organ damage, poor eye development, and dwarfism.

“I had wheelchairs, walkers, standard crutches, and Canadian crutches, and then we got George and I picked up my crutches and started using them,” Bella said to WCVB.


The girl can use the Great Dane as support when she walks through the school’s hallways and up and down the stairs.

He knows what to do, she shot back. He knows where all of my classes are. He’s going to nap while she’s in class.

I rely on him for support, she admitted to Fox News. He helps me get around. Bella said, “If I fall, I tell him to “Brace!” so he will stand and not even move until I can get myself up.


Now that George has been adopted and is a permanent member of the family, Bella can safely engage in activities like playing on the playground and going on bike rides, leading her to an extremely active life.

Bella is helped by George while she plays outside and in the gym with her pals. By spending the night close to her, he ensures her safety at all times.

People from all over the world have been captivated by their story, and many have been following the couple’s development on Facebook.


During an event in December, the American Kennel Club will give George an Award for Canine Excellence.

The Great Dane is one of the six dogs recognized for “sustainably influencing the lives of their owners and people in their communities.”

George has become Bella’s closest friend in addition to being her support system.

Dogs are undoubtedly “man’s best friend,” as we have all known for thousands of years, but they are also incredibly amazing animals with many more traits.

To help you get to know your dog better, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite dog facts.

The touching story of the love and friendship of a devoted dog who lifts a brave young girl through a challenging hospital adventure.

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