After Endless Suffering, Poor Dog Born Without Eyes Finally Finds His Happy Home


Nipa was discovered dying, depressed and with eye problems; Most likely, she will use it for reproduction and sale of her offspring, but those days will pass and she is happier.

Niпa is the dog that was hidden in what would be her last moments of life. The poor dog was apparently used to having puppies and selling them, but she was only suffering from separation anxiety, but I also neglected her because she was depressed and her eyes were more damaged. When ThisisHoυstop discovered her situation, he rescued her and took her to the vet, who removed her eyes. At first she was a sad little dog, but her temperament changed over time.


Life was finally looking for this dog, but her heart broke when she passed the test twice with two different families and one of them adopted her. However, “third time’s next time”, as the saying goes, because every story has a happy ending.

Dog is rescued as originally found in the city of Roseberg, Texas, according to ThisisHoυstop, an animal rescue organization. The people who saw this dog were afraid to approach her because she was lying down, they would have thought that she was dead and looking at her stupidly, so they would call a rescuer to check her.

I was aware of advanced abuse, her eyes were full of fabric and defects, but the most surprising thing is that, although it was initially assumed that she was sterilized, when evaluating her it was revealed that Nipa was almost certainly exploited to many children. When she became ill, I decided that throwing her away and putting her down would be the best way to take care of her.


Because the dog was thinner and sick, her eyes had to be removed due to the infection. It completely transformed his life in just two months. Her volunteers adored her because her determination and willpower were inspiring.


Just like her adoptive family, her family took care of her and the love they gave her was perfect for her to wait for him and be successful. They accepted this layer despite their stubbornness.

The best home for Niпa


“It was very difficult for her adoptive parents to let her go for the third time, but she receives regular updates and it is known that she must take care of her puppies soon! Plus, having the courage to say “goodbye” means you’ll be able to save another puppy and feed it. We are all happy for Niпa. “Happily ever after, little pig!” the declared foυпdatioп

If given, this is the protection this dog deserved after suffering so much pain from more people who valued all the love she was willing to give.

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