In the quaint town of Palenque, Mexico, an unexpected yet heartwarming scene unfolded within a Christmas nativity display. Amidst the festive figurines posed in serene quietude, a pregnant stray dog sought sanctuary, turning the nativity scene into an impromptu birthing space.
Choosing the nativity scene as a refuge, the sweet dog nestled in the straw, providing warmth and protection from the cold streets. As local journalist Eric Guzmán discovered her presence, he was surprised to find that she had given birth to seven puppies. Despite the chilly December weather, the newborn pups were safe and sound in their unique manger abode.
Recognizing the importance of caring for the canine family, the animal welfare group Dejando Huellitas SOS Palenque stepped in to ensure their well-being. They initiated efforts to find suitable homes for the mother dog and her puppies.
While some may view the birth within the Christmas manger as a coincidence, Eric hopes it will leave a lasting impact on the community. His aspiration is for increased awareness and compassion towards stray dogs, promoting adoption over purchasing pets. In his words, “We should love them regardless of their origin.