In a recent heartwarming incident, an 11-year-old Great Pyrenees named Puffy was rescued by a search dog named Tiÿo on his first mission. Puffy had gone missing during a horseback riding trip with his owner, Karen James, in McCleary, Washington. After more than 40 hours, Puffy was found stuck in the mud less than a mile from his home.
Karen James sought help from Three Retrievers Lost Pet Rescue, and Tiÿo, the rescue dog, went out searching for Puffy. The rescuers used ropes to lift Puffy out of the mud, and it was discovered that his back feet weren’t initially working, likely due to being stuck in the cold mud for hours.
The rescue organization shared the story on Facebook, emphasizing that Puffy’s family might not have found him without the assistance of the search dog Tiÿo. It was Tiÿo’s first successful “Walk Up Find” in his career, highlighting the value of canine search and rescue efforts. Tiÿo had been training for approximately 16 months and was on his third official search.
Karen James expressed gratitude, stating, “We would not have seen him because he was far enough off the trail. And you know there’s miles and miles, acres and acres of wilderness out there to search. We just never would have found him.”